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Some Common Myths About Pressure Washing in Pensacola, FL

November 21, 2019 11:29 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Pressure washing is used to break down tough dirt buildup and grime on all kinds of surfaces. From home siding to automotive parts, there are many different potential applications for pressure washing in Pensacola, FL. However, despite the many benefits of pressure washing, there are also lots of misconceptions about this service. Understanding a few of the most common myths about pressure washing can give you a better idea of what to expect from it. Even people who hire technicians for pressure washing often have misconceptions about how the process works or how it can be applied. Here are a... View Article

Why Is Winter an Ideal Time to Paint the Interior of Your Home?

November 7, 2019 11:29 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Most homeowners tackle renovation and home improvement projects during the spring and summer months, but completing certain projects during the winter can have a lot of benefits. Interior painting in Pensacola, FL is a great winter project that can transform the appearance of your space. Winter painting has some unique advantages over summer painting. Read on to find out why painting during the winter months is such a good idea. Good weather during the summer is a strong motivator for homeowners to get some work done around the house. With plenty of daylight and warm weather, summer is the most... View Article

Why Is Fall Ideal for Interior Painting?

October 22, 2019 7:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

For many, autumn makes people think of pumpkin spice lattes, Halloween and cozy sweaters. Rarely do the changing leaves and colder weather conjure up ideas of interior painting projects. Actually, fall is a wonderful time of year to invest in residential painting in Pensacola, FL, especially when you work with local painting experts. The perfect conditions Extreme weather, regardless of whether it’s freezing cold or scorching hot, is not ideal for interior painting projects. Additionally, excessive humidity can negatively affect how your painting project turns out. That is why professional painters always recommend the autumn for painting projects: the weather... View Article

The Effects of Fall and Winter Seasons While Doing Interior Painting

October 8, 2019 7:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Most people considering projects that involve interior painting in Pensacola, FL want to get this work done during the spring or summer. They assume that these seasons are ideal for painting projects, which actually is not the case. If you’re among those interested in painting the interior of your home, consider scheduling these projects during the fall or winter. Challenges of interior painting during fall or winter There are two major challenges to interior painting in Pensacola, FL during the fall or winter: humidity and cold. In Florida, humidity is a regular problem for professional painters, regardless of the time... View Article

Why Should I Have a Professional Refinish My Old Furniture?

September 23, 2019 10:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Refinishing furniture is a popular DIY task, but not everyone has the time, interest or skill necessary to get the job done right. If you’ve never refinished furniture before, there’s a high risk of damaging the piece even beyond the wear it’s already incurred over the years, which means you may be better off having a professional take on the job instead. That’s not to mention that the job can involve the use of some hazardous chemicals that you may wish to avoid. Simply put, while there may not be a number of complicated steps associated with refinishing wooden furniture,... View Article

Fresh Start Painting Inc.